THINK AS BIG AS YOU CAN Fellow, let me tell you, life's battle often
is won by the man that thinks he can win
Buy Teo now!


Those beautiful things that we offer you.


At the moment you want success as bad as you want to breathe, that's when you get it.


It's really all a state of mind.You only have to think aboutgetting it to get it.Don't fool youself, really. Do it now!


It is true that you help yourself by helping others.Sooner or later they'll be back to help you.


Things we've worked on.

  • Teo


    No man that ever gave up was able to do something, sober up and try again.

  • Teo


    No man that ever gave up was able to do something, sober up and try again.

  • Teo


    No man that ever gave up was able to do something, sober up and try again.

  • Teo


    No man that ever gave up was able to do something, sober up and try again.

  • Teo


    No man that ever gave up was able to do something, sober up and try again.

Project Couponize

Donec tempor ut tortor nec aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse eget ante sed ipsum commodo aliquam non nec turpis. Pellentes...

Project Tharsis

Donec tempor ut tortor nec aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse eget ante sed ipsum commodo aliquam non nec turpis. Pellentes...

Project Proma

Donec tempor ut tortor nec aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse eget ante sed ipsum commodo aliquam non nec turpis. Pellentes...

Project Voxis

Donec tempor ut tortor nec aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse eget ante sed ipsum commodo aliquam non nec turpis. Pellentes...

Project SCRN

Donec tempor ut tortor nec aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse eget ante sed ipsum commodo aliquam non nec turpis. Pellentes...

Project Ekho

Donec tempor ut tortor nec aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse eget ante sed ipsum commodo aliquam non nec turpis. Pellentes...

  • Education is what remains after one has
    forgotten what one has learned in school.
    Albert Einstein
  • I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing,
    and that is that I know nothing.


Who, How, Why? Here we answer these questions

We are TeoThemes, we develop high-end wordpress themes through ThemeForest, we try to cover every niche possible and be creative.


How we do it and what we use


The team

Who is behind Teo?



The Brain

Michael is the CEO of TEO, he runs everything and gets free coffee!



The Executioneer

Janette is our creative part. If there's one idea proposed, it first gets to her.



The Strategist

He's the guy with the plan. Whenever we need a solution, he has one.


Image gallery

Pictures of us and probably you

Some alt here
Some alt here
Some alt here
Some alt here
Some alt here
Some alt here
Some alt here
Some alt here
Some alt here
Some alt here


What our customers say about us

  • A more effective strategy would be to spend funds on increasing access for all children and teens to the other, more important factors. This includes funding internship programs, mentors, access to inspiring and productive technology and opportunities for consensual formal pedagogy. Schools could be replaced by institutions that offer abundant resources for play, creation, engagement and learning. These institutions could be a refuge from a dysfunctional home.

    - John Chow, CEO Companize
  • A more effective strategy would be to spend funds on increasing access for all children and teens to the other, more important factors. This includes funding internship programs, mentors, access to inspiring and productive technology and opportunities for consensual formal pedagogy. Schools could be replaced by institutions that offer abundant resources for play, creation, engagement and learning. These institutions could be a refuge from a dysfunctional home.

    - John Chow, CEO Companize
  • A more effective strategy would be to spend funds on increasing access for all children and teens to the other, more important factors. This includes funding internship programs, mentors, access to inspiring and productive technology and opportunities for consensual formal pedagogy. Schools could be replaced by institutions that offer abundant resources for play, creation, engagement and learning. These institutions could be a refuge from a dysfunctional home.

    - John Chow, CEO Companize
  • A more effective strategy would be to spend funds on increasing access for all children and teens to the other, more important factors. This includes funding internship programs, mentors, access to inspiring and productive technology and opportunities for consensual formal pedagogy. Schools could be replaced by institutions that offer abundant resources for play, creation, engagement and learning. These institutions could be a refuge from a dysfunctional home.

    - John Chow, CEO Companize
  • Education is what remains after one has
    forgotten what one has learned in school.
    Albert Einstein
  • I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing,
    and that is that I know nothing.


Our words from us to you

Microsoft’s Next Gen Xbox Will Shift To x86 Architecture

Microsoft’s Next Gen Xbox Will Shift To x86 Architecture

12 Jun, 2013 - By

Curabitur nec viverra arcu. Nam interdum lacinia facilisis. Praesent sit amet tincidunt tellus. Donec libero lorem, aliquam nec condimentum vel, vulputate semper nisi. Sed venenatis vitae felis id sodales. Etiam quis odio vel justo varius sagittis. Morbi id tempor justo. Donec vel fringilla purus. Donec a nunc arcu. Morbi a pellentesque ante, at ultricies sem. […]

Nokia Lumia 928 Spotted In Leaked Pictures

Nokia Lumia 928 Spotted In Leaked Pictures

12 Jun, 2013 - By

Donec at sem dictum, elementum erat et, pharetra erat. Pellentesque quis orci sit amet tellus blandit ornare. Nulla interdum, libero vitae porttitor placerat, lectus erat semper lectus, sit amet mattis dolor augue quis felis. Duis augue ante, aliquam et est vitae, volutpat rhoncus mauris. Proin consectetur lobortis ipsum, vitae interdum purus porta non. Donec ultrices […]

  • Education is what remains after one has
    forgotten what one has learned in school.
    Albert Einstein
  • I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing,
    and that is that I know nothing.


How and where to find us

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Contact Info

Names and stuff like that

Deichkind 69, Number 402
New York City, NY
Phone Number: (123) 456-789