Our official website is now launched!

It’s been a long journey, but we’ve finally managed to release the official website of TeoThemes. We’ve been silently working on it in the last few weeks / months and this is the initial version, with the purpose of showcasing our work and letting you know more details about us, our themes and what we’re working on!
Day by day we received lots of e-mails from people asking where they can find more details about us, our work, what services we offer and all kind of related questions and, most of the time, it was almost impossible to give an answer via e-mail.
And working most of the time on new themes and customer support didn’t let us much time to focus on our own website. But we’ve found a little bit of time and we’re extremely proud of the result!
What’s next?
We will try to improve the experience of our customers by integrating as many things as we can with ThemeForest(the marketplace where you’ll find our themes).
Right now, all our customers can create an account here and add all the themes they’ve purchased from us. You’ll be able to see all our themes in one place and download them directly from our website.
We’re also working on a new FAQ center where you’ll see the most asked questions regarding our themes and, very important, a support board. We think you deserve an easier and more straight-forward solution for receiving help with our themes and we’ll be working on it in the following weeks.
Existing themes
Regarding our existing themes, our plan for november is to check all the themes with the latest version of WordPress and update all the external libraries and plugins in order to make sure they will work perfectly. We will send out updates, both on ThemeForest and on our website, we recommend everyone to check our blog and subscribe to our newsletter in order to stay updated!
Any feedback is appreciated. If you find any problems / bugs, want to get in contact with us or just want to say hi, don’t hesitate to drop us a message!