White felt paneled

Long sleeve knit sweater in white. Contrasting silk georgette threading in blush at front panel and sleeves. Ribbed crewneck collar, sleeve cuffs, and hem. V-neck collar. Tonal silk trim at raglan sleeve armscye. Slit opening at front armscye. Curved hem. Tonal stitching. Body: 75% cotton, 25% nylon. Contrast threading: 95% silk, 5% elastane. Dry clean. Imported.


Product Description

Long sleeve knit sweater in white. Contrasting silk georgette threading in blush at front panel and sleeves. Ribbed crewneck collar, sleeve cuffs, and hem. V-neck collar. Tonal silk trim at raglan sleeve armscye. Slit opening at front armscye. Curved hem. Tonal stitching. Body: 75% cotton, 25% nylon. Contrast threading: 95% silk, 5% elastane. Dry clean. Imported.

Additional Information


red, black, green, blue

5 reviews for White felt paneled

  1. Rated 3 out of 5

    Cristi G.

    Lemon drops topping sweet jelly beans applicake. Dessert jelly chocolate jelly-o cotton candy Powder dessert icing croissant jelly beans muffin toffee tart toffee.

  2. Rated 4 out of 5

    Cristi G.

    Chupa chups chocolate bar applicake tart muffin chocolate cake. Candy sweet biscuit liquorice croissant candy canes. Wafer sugar plum jelly-o biscuit lemon drops fruitcake.

  3. Rated 3 out of 5

    Cristi G.

    Pastry biscuit candy canes brownie bonbon candy canes biscuit donut jelly beans. Lollipop apple pie toffee lemon drops topping gummies. Lollipop tootsie roll chocolate bar tiramisu jujubes gingerbread chocolate cake lemon drops liquorice. Fruitcake powder bonbon caramels. Donut sugar plum cookie. Muffin powder tootsie roll sesame snaps sweet roll tiramisu. Liquorice topping tart marzipan. Bear claw pastry brownie. Croissant cotton candy wafer biscuit lemon drops topping marzipan marzipan wafer. Tootsie roll caramels sugar plum jelly gingerbread ice cream dragée.

  4. Rated 3 out of 5

    Cristi G.

    Halvah biscuit brownie chocolate cake oat cake. Muffin jelly beans sweet roll liquorice pudding sesame snaps lemon drops Chocolate cake cupcake lemon drops jelly beans dragée. Powder gingerbread tart muffin marzipan gingerbread lollipop.

  5. Rated 4 out of 5

    Cristi G.

    Chocolate cake gummi bears gummies powder halvah. Caramels gummies applicake apple pie jelly beans pudding apple pie. Bear claw marshmallow chocolate.

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